Every new year brings another fresh set of personal promises to make your life better. Maybe committing to a new health and fitness regimen was one of your resolutions. Perhaps promising to spend more quality time with friends and family was your preferred way to kick off 2018. But one very popular New Year’s resolution that many people explore is getting a makeover. But not a makeover for you, a makeover for your home.

While interior designers, both professional and novice, are annually introduced to a fresh set of décor trends, one thing that never goes out of style is carpeting. But when it comes to choosing the correct carpeting for your home, one size, or type, certainly does not fit all. Does shag carpeting give you the look and versatility you want? What about stain resistant carpeting that coincides with the daily wear and tear your living room undergoes. Or maybe frieze carpeting is what you have in mind to make your New Year’s resolution a reality.

Hold on a minute—frieze carpeting? What does that even mean?

Frieze Carpeting

Relax—it’s nothing to be afraid of! In fact, you are probably already very familiar with frieze carpeting, you just don’t realize it yet. Frieze carpeting, a type of cut pile carpeting, is also known as twist carpet. This means while most carpet styles have 3.5 to 5 twists per inch, frieze carpeting may have 7-9 turns per inch.

So, what does that mean for you and why is it good for your new year’s home makeover? The main reason that frieze carpeting is becoming increasingly popular is that it can hide vacuum tracks and footprints extremely effectively. The surface texture of this twisted carpeting also easily conceals dirt and other pesky stains.

Whether or not you choose to take the plunge and purchase frieze carpeting for your home, or if another style is what you prefer, one thing is certain; new carpeting is the perfect way to start your new year off right. For more information on frieze carpeting and how it can suit your home, trust your friends and experts at PT Flooring. Call us today at 401-766-8252 or visit our location at 91 N. Main Street in the Heart of Woonsocket.

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